Sometimes Timing IS Everything

This was going to be the blog banner, but it just doesn’t work for a blog that is all mine, so no longer used.

I started thinking about the name of our blog this morning and then the fact that the menu of our website just says “blog”. How original and how challenging, especially when you wake up in the morning and you know you have fallen short of the actual title: “And in All Things, Love”. The title is included in the blog banner, but it never comes up because it is basically part of a photo. As it goes on to read, “not that it’s always easy.” True.

I had had a few conversations about a project, and my co-conspirator and I were thinking it was such a good idea. Unfortunately, an integral component was John and his writing. Apparently, I am not a very good sales person, because he wasn’t buying it. And I couldn’t begin to understand that. It may have been the timing.

Not the clock I was seeking (to represent timing), but probably better because of the title of the book and the pen pictured.

Not only the clock, but the book is relevant, because I also had not presented the idea in writing, nor in a logical goal oriented manner. I had not kept first things first. I had been working on some proposed illustrations and was all engrossed in the project, and he was just returning from a long day at Barnes and Noble. We were definitely not on the same page.

That is an understatement. It all started as disappointment because of an unrealistic expectation (a resentment waiting to happen), morphed into pouting, a rather quiet dinner, and then separate living areas, because I wanted to watch a Hallmark movie and John wanted to read and maybe rest. The Hallmark icon had been highlighted on my phone, and when I clicked on it, it was A Window Wonderland. I love doing window displays, and was in a mood for escape. And so I did. I think I have more understanding this morning and as usual, again realize that I can only change myself. Life teaches us lessons, and when we don’t learn, it teaches us over and over again.
