Facebook Posts and Counting your Blessings

I took the photo with the cucumbers yesterday after seeing so many posts about the abundance of tomatoes that friends were getting from their gardens. They were canning tomato sauce and spaghetti sauce (Sandy Brewer). I looked at my two little cherry tomatoes and I said something about having to do pickles instead, because no way would I be canning or cooking tomatoes. then lo and behold, the next thing I know, friend and neighbor Janie (last name omitted to prevent a raid on her garden!) dropped off tomatoes. Those are just a portion of the tomatoes that were sitting on the chair on the porch when I came out to walk yesterday a.m. The rest I chopped up with some of my own fresh basil for bruschetta to serve on our toasted Aldi Turano bread. By the way the pronunciation is as with a “k” in the middle not an “sh” – “Brusketta” spelled Bruschetta.

Aldi Turano Bread all gone now after lunch. Nope!
John pulled another loaf out of the Freezer!!

And speaking of Janie and her generosity, here’s a post you have to read. https://www.facebook.com/janie.n.clark

It goes way beyond dropping off tomatoes. It ends with these words: “On my way back into the office I saw him sitting on this bench praying and eating! It warmed my heart and I welled up as I took a moment to thank God myself for having a roof over my head, a job, and food and was able to help someone that needed to eat! Choose Kindness and be kind friends! The world is a tough place out there! Thank you to Panera and the great staff there!”

Give us this Day Panera Bread

Generosity starts in small ways like a bag of tomatoes and can end on such sublime notes. “Whatsoever you do for the least of my brethren, that you do unto me”
